The docs say that it supports "an arbitrary relation between the key type and the corresponding value type", but it looks like you cannot reuse the key type. The expression on the right side of the LabelledGeneric[Color] definition is a call to the apply method on the object LabelledGeneric with an argument of type Color, which itself requires an implicit argument of type LabelledGeneric[Color]. Hey guys, I'm trying to use shapeless's HMap class, and I'm running into trouble. To be honest, we also have a fairly straightforward use case: few domain . It has a simple yet powerful API that abstracts out the need to code in complex transformations and computations. shapeless: generic programming for Scala. Type safety and Spark Datasets in Scala. HLists are a generic representation of strongly typed data, like tuples on steroids.LabelledGeneric lets of map case classes to and from HLists. Generic Programming with Scala & Shapeless part 2. Last year I spent some time playing with, and writing about, Scala & Shapeless - walking through the simple example of generating random test data for a case class. パラメータとして受け取るPostメソッドを呼び出そうとしimplicit Marshallerています。コンパイラーがスコープ内でパラメーターを見つけることができる限り、暗黙的パラメーターを指定する必要はないことに注意してください(暗黙的パラメーターの詳細については、これを確認してください . We can fix this using the shapeless LabelledGeneric. python中无法在El Capitan中安装Pip包(10.11),好的,所以我已经酿造了,自从El Capitan以来我就重新推出了重新安装的python。 MacBook-Pro-2:decipher Alex$ whic I also stated that I wanted to fall-back to case class defaults, but let's ignore that requirement for now. Summary. JSONʹม͍ͨ͠case classΛఆٛ 3. The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast.These examples are extracted from open source projects. 1y. Don't panic! Five inches become ten, then 15. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet . W orking with Spark Datasets have been quite interesting and most of the time rewarding in our current project. 在这一章我们将学习通过Generic的变体LabelledGeneric来实现这一点。. How to run $ sbt jmh:run -i 10 -wi 10 -f3 -t 1 (실제로 . The only thing that determines what info the TypeTag has is T. The TypeTags are generated at compile time, so can't be used for the type of runtime reflection you are doing in the getName method. You could do this by changing the bGen constraint:. 例如: $ scala scala> import scalaz._ <console>: 7: error: not found . It will now compile. मुझे इसे माइल्स के लिए छोड़ देना चाहिए, लेकिन यह एक सुखद घंटा है जहां से मैं हूं और मैं इसका विरोध नहीं कर सकता। जैसा कि उन्होंने उपर्युक्त टिप्पणी में . I.e., you cannot define both a Int -> Double and Int -> String. Generic Traits. Functions are values—higher-order functions take other functions as arguments and/or return them as values. Trying to solve an everyday problem, I've found an use case which I could solve using shapeless. 私は現在Shapelessで実験を始めました。私の最初の試みは次のコード例でした。型崩れのバージョンは2.3.0で、Scalaのバージョン2.11.7:私はLabelledGenericsためlgen暗黙のパラメータの値を提供しなかったので、シェイプレスで一般的な型変換 import org.scalatest._ import shapeless._ sealed trait Dog { def favoriteFood . Checkout the 5-working-labelled-generic tag or fix it yourself ;). import shapeless.LabelledGeneric import shapeless.HList import shapeless.ops.hlist.ToTraversable import shapeless.ops.record . Usage. LabelledGeneric maps the values of the case class to formless extensible records, which, while also capturing the types of field values, also encode the field names in the type using the singleton type of the corresponding Scala Symbol. 4. These instances allow us to operate on our traits generically; for instance, we can automatically derive type class instances for them. Giả sử tôi có một bảng RDBMS personsvới cột tên ( String) và cột tuổi ( Int). LabelledGeneric, scala 2.10 (2) View Lgen2.scala. Here we define four FieldEncoder for String, Boolean, Float, Int types which map it to Lucene Fields - TextField, BooleanPoint, DoublePoint, IntPoint. In my first post I explained how shapeless can. Shapeless: a real world use case 06 Apr 2020. pheymann/shapeless - Generic programming for Scala. Eq - with instance of that typeclass (Point 1 1) == (Point 123 321) will compile. HLists are a generic representation of strongly typed data, like tuples on steroids.LabelledGeneric lets of map case classes to and from HLists. This post doesn't intend to explain how shapeless work (there is a . Also, you may learn some extra knowledge on Spark Datasets! Scala:缺少隐式通用参数 shapeless.LabelledGeneric.Aux[T,L],如何提供? 我正在编写使用finagle-postgres处理 DB 的代码,我有映射器,并且确定我想尽可能多地将代码的公共部分移动到通用映射器。 A very brief introduction to automatic type class derivation using shapeless. null you see is indeed an unexpected consequence of the semantics of implicit definitions with explicit annotated types. The best way to work out what is going on from it is to take a look at the Shapeless code! With a small additional infrastructure (which I will . Shapeless is a library for generic programming in Scala, largely present in the ecosystem, but mostly behind the scenes; it is likely shapeless powers some of the libraries in your project, even though you don't use it directly.. 将案例类表示为JSON数组 首先要注意的是,circe-shapes模块提供了Shapeless的HList的实例,该实例使用数组表示形式,例如我们想要用于案例类的数组表示形式。例如: scala> import io.circe.shapes._ import io.circe.shapes._ scala> import shapeless._ import shapeless._ scala> ("foo" :: 1 :: List(true, false) :: HNil).asJson.noSpaces res4: String . Error:(48, 51) could not find implicit value for parameter gen: shapeless.LabelledGeneric.Aux[T,L] val genericRecord = avroType.toGenericRecord(value) 简单地从toGenericRecord和fromGenericRecord方法重载隐式函数并不能解决这个问题,因为我需要参数化序列化[L :Hlist]和反序列化[L :Hlist],因为Flink不 . ; Generic - you can think of it as kind of shapeless.LabelledGeneric - something that is a base for other typeclass derivation mechanisms. Last year I spent some time playing with, and writing about, Scala & Shapeless - walking through the simple example of generating random test data for a case class. not part of a sealed trait/case class family), this library allows you to derive shapeless Generic and LabelledGeneric instances from accessor fields. Deep equals. 3. The trick that helped was circe's ReprDecoder, which basically does what I needed: it builds a HList of a known type. (Voir mon previous question for some background. I have the next piece of code which I want to use for type class instances creation: def productsLogShow[HK <: HList, T, H <: HList, K](hideFieldsWithKeys: HK)( implicit lg: LabelledGener. Also sorry if it was a bit cryptic: I am working on a streaming json decoder that has low memory footprint (it doesn't build the full AST) using Google's gson library, and I wanted to auto derive the decoder for case classes. I would say the general value of typed functional programming lies in leaving no edge cases. मुझे इसे माइल्स के लिए छोड़ देना चाहिए, लेकिन यह एक सुखद घंटा है जहां से मैं हूं और मैं इसका विरोध नहीं कर सकता। जैसा कि उन्होंने उपर्युक्त टिप्पणी में . "It's supposed to cause muscle growth!". Y luego podemos demostrar que funciona: scala> p.toMapRec res0: Map [String,Any] = Map (address -> Map (zip -> 10000, street -> Jefferson st), name -> Tom) Tenga en cuenta que esto no funcionará para los tipos en los que las clases de casos nesteds están en una lista, tupla, etc., pero podría ampliarlo a esos casos de manera bastante sencilla. 1. type Aux[T, Repr0] = Generic[T] { type Repr = Repr0 } As we can see, the Aux type, which is defined . 다음과 같은 사례 클래스가 있습니다. import shapeless. JSONʹม u0018. First we can define a helper type class that returns N if N is a multiple of one of the numbers in M, and _0 otherwise: import shapeless._, nat._0, ops.nat.Mod trait IfMultiple[N. 另外,它将使用 build.sbt 定义的Scala版本。. Is this correct? Generic programming for Scala. Suppose I'd like to traverse case class generic representation as described here I've defined some typeclass to describe fields: trait Described[X] extends (X => String) object Described{ def Introduces type classes SymbolToString, StringToSymbol to convert between symbol singleton type and string singleton type Trying to solve an everyday problem, I've found an use case which I could solve using shapeless. 「Scala2.11になっても、23要素以上のcase classを直接jsonにマッピングとかできないの! For traits which are not coproducts (e.g. To be honest, we also have a fairly straightforward use case: few domain . For example aeson (JSON library) can generate codecs for your data type providing it has an instance of Generic.I know it sounds vague but my current understanding is vague too. Copying fields using Shapeless - Part 2. Transform a case class to an Hlist; Concatenate hlists; Transform an hlist back to another case class 基于LabelledGeneric和Keys类型类. A quick search for such a library didn't give me much anyway, apart from maybe this Stack Overflow question. milessabin/shapeless. It had its origins in several talks by Miles Sabin (@milessabin), given over the course of 2011, on implementing scrap your boilerplate and higher rank polymorphism in Scala. The first is that you haven't provided the compiler with any evidence that ARepr and BRepr are related by some shared structure. Are you wanting to solve the problem of a lack of type safety in some operations? import shapeless.LabelledGeneric import shapeless.HList import shapeless.ops.hlist.ToTraversable import shapeless.ops.record . But the soreness of DOMS isn't a prerequisite for muscle growth? At this point I started thinking of using an external library, but to keep myself challenged, a library that already does all the mapping was not something I was looking for. 第五章 在隐式派生过程中访问名称. 」とお怒りの皆さんこんばんは。タイトル長いですね。 タイトル通りのもの作りました。 Benchmarking Shapeless LabelledGeneric conversions. - gist:9042788 scala - 테스트에서 묵시적 의미를 찾지 못하지만 REPL에서는. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. However, in some cases generality is desirable. It has a simple yet powerful API that abstracts out the need to code in . Created Jan 2, 2015. Regex mais en ignorant certains mots. Automatic generic derivation for traits. Go from the basics to a solution with Lead Consultant, Manish Katoch. So time . 我们自定义的类型类实例经常不止需要使用字段的类型,有时还希望能够使用字段名称及字段类型名称。. shapeless is a type class and dependent type based generic programming library for Scala. 配置rails数据库查询,以便忽略空白字符串参数 ; 21. And if you want to add advanced validation you have to write this Generic representation of (sealed families of) case classes . Faire du code qui ne dépend pas de types précis Éviter les répétitions Pour pouvoir se reposer encore plus sur les types . 'Working with Spark Datasets have been quite interesting and most of the time rewarding in our current project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. I will solve that in Part Three. As for DocumentEncoder, since its acting on HList we will have to handle two cases : HNil and Cons Nodes. It goes about this by treating everything as a composable value: Values are values (strings, integers, doubles, combinations of these into case classes, etc.). Checkout the 5-working-labelled-generic tag or fix it yourself ;). This post doesn't intend to explain how shapeless work (there is a . 4 minute read Shapeless is a library for generic programming in Scala, largely present in the ecosystem, but mostly behind the scenes; it is likely shapeless powers some of the libraries in your project, even though you don't use it directly.. 如何查询表,但忽略某些列,如ID ="1"和"2" 23. Spark has a simple yet powerful API that abstracts out the need to code in complex transformations and computations. A Game Of Sets . scala rest Shapeless是Scala中用于通用编程的库,主要存在于生态系统中 ,但大多在幕后。 即使您不直接使用它,也可能无形地增强了项目中的某些库的功能。 为了解决日常问题,我找到了一个用无形可以解决的用例。 这篇文章并不是要解释无形的工作原理(这里有整本书 ),而是要提供它的味道。 scala - 매개 변수 lgen에 대한 암시 적 값을 찾을 수 없습니다 : shapeless.LabelledGeneric.Aux mysql - TimeStamp 파티션 키의 Spark JoinWithCassandraTable STUCK scala - Slick 3.0 런타임에서만 알 수있는 변수 열 목록을 업데이트하는 방법 I find it a little easier to think about this problem inductively (at the type level, at least). Scala Shapeless Code for Project Euler #1. scala,shapeless,type-level-computation. Importantly, Shape2 is a more generic encoding than Shape 3.Any code that operates on a pair of Doubles will be able to operate on a Rectangle2 and vice versa. However, in some cases generality is desirable. It has a simple yet powerful API that abstracts out the need to code in complex transformations and computations. 我有一个包含25个字段的案例类,需要将其转换为另外22个字段,其中19个是共享的,3个是简单重命名的。 我已经找到了一些如何使用的例子shapeless(例如这里的答案以及Miles Sabin 在这里和这里的一些代码示例)但是最后一些看起来有些过时了,我无法从Github中. {FieldType, field} trait Record extends Product trait Entity { type Id } case class Book(title: String, author: String, publication: Int) case class . _ LabelledGeneric [Foo0] LabelledGeneric [Foo1]} 1 file 0 forks 0 comments 0 stars alexarchambault / Lgen2.scala. Type safe, compile time comparison chain. Based on shapeless.LabelledGeneric. At this point I started thinking of using an external library, but to keep myself challenged, a library that already does all the mapping was not something I was looking for. As Scala developers we tend to prefer semantic types like Rectangle and Circle to generic ones like Rectangle2 and Circle2 precisely because of their specialised nature. Nam pellentesque massa ac nulla semper ultricies. Cách lập ngữ để đại diện cho thực thể DB trong mã được chia sẻ giữa máy khách và máy chủ. Shapeless provides two useful utilities for copying data between arbitrary case classes. Type safety and Spark Datasets in Scala. Importantly, Shape2 is a more generic encoding than Shape 3.Any code that operates on a pair of Doubles will be able to operate on a Rectangle2 and vice versa. Contribute to milessabin/shapeless development by creating an account on GitHub. 基于LabelledGeneric和Keys类型类. J'utilise une regex avec succès, mais peut-être un peu aussi avec succès, et je voudrais ajouter quelques exceptions, certains mots que je ne veux pas qu'il affecte. मैं इस केस क्लास पर टुपल्ड विधि कैसे कॉल कर सकता हूं? 开始之前我们先来学习一些理论知识。. Used together we get behaviour similar to BeanUtils . Shapeless LabelledGeneric,但忽略一些字段 ; 19. Shapeless is a library for generic programming in Scala, largely present in the ecosystem, but mostly behind the scenes; it is likely shapeless powers some of the libraries in your project, even though you don't use it directly.. The Isos of earlier shapeless releases have been completely reworked as the new Generic type, which closely resembles the generic programming capabilities introduced to GHC 7.2.. Generic[T], where T is a case class or an abstract type at the root of a case class hierarchy, maps between values of T and a generic sum of products . case class Foo0 case class Foo1 (i: Int) object Lgen2 {import . Shapeless provides two useful utilities for copying data between arbitrary case classes. Recently, I have played some more with Shapeless, this time with the goal of generating React (javascript) components for case classes.It was a very similar exercise, but this time I made use of the LabelledGeneric object, so I . Boilerplate free conversion from case classes to shapeless records via LabelledGeneric . Donc, en résumé, ce que je dois faire est: Testing manual vs Shapeless based conversion of 24 and 25 field case classes. Encoder for HNil returns new Document. As Scala developers we tend to prefer semantic types like Rectangle and Circle to generic ones like Rectangle2 and Circle2 precisely because of their specialised nature. coming soon to shapeless 2.0.0. 如何停止ThinkingSphinx查询数据库以查看MVA字段? 20. There are two issues here. In eleifend tempor cursus. A quick search for such a library didn't give me much anyway, apart from maybe this Stack Overflow question. 忽略锁定在MySQL数据库中的SQLAlchemy查询 ; 22. The interesting method here is genericParser it states.Default.AsOptions.Aux[A, D] is provided by the shapeless.Default import (and a macro in shapeless).LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R] is provided by shapeless.LabelledGeneric import (and another macro).Lazy[UnderlyingParser[R, D]] is provided hlistParser in the UnderlyingParser object (and some hard work by the compiler). class Greeting (salutation: String, person: Person, exclamationMarks: Int) val greeting = Greeting ("Hey", Person ("Chris"), 3).asJson println (greeting) ᶃ ᶄ ᶅ 1. circeΛimport 2. Donec eleifend condimentum metus, at pretium orci sagittis et. Summary. Used together we get behaviour similar to BeanUtils . LabelledGeneric在 . cela a résolu le problème donné, maintenant j'ai besoin d'ajouter des exceptions). Recently, I have played some more with Shapeless, this time with the goal of generating React (javascript) components for case . LabelledGeneric [Color] 에 대한 암시 적 값을 찾는 관점에서 테스트 및 REPL과 다른 동작을보고 있습니다. ö àó"ã ¿âóJñùeÀç ҇ÄòÙmæS ‰àÅ þá= ´ ‡1_«Üdÿï ^ †•®F>vá šcmuvAØ . So time . Điều này hoàn toàn có thể phù hợp case class Person (name: String, age: String)nếu chúng ta không cần id ở . With getName2, it doesn't matter that your parameter is a class object, it's never used. SBT与 build.sbt 文件定义的特定项目相关联,其方式是 $ sbt console 可以加载与 $ scala 相同的REPL环境,但是要添加可在导入中定义的所有项目代码和依赖项。. Possible solution #2: shapeless' LabelledGeneric. As before, here's my build.sbt file . Error:(48, 51) could not find implicit value for parameter gen: shapeless.LabelledGeneric.Aux[T,L] val genericRecord = avroType.toGenericRecord(value) 単純に toGenericRecord の暗黙のオーバーロードおよび fromGenericRecord メソッドはそれを解決しません。 It will now compile. Type safety and Spark Datasets in Scala. Helps to overcome Shapeless limitation that shapeless.LabelledGeneric is Symbol-based rather than String-based. Spark Datasets in Scala have been quite interesting and most of the time rewarding in our current project. Scala 2.11.8과 함께 Shapeless 2.3.1을 사용하고 있습니다. Trying to solve an everyday problem, I've found an use case which I could solve using shapeless. Possible solution #2: shapeless' LabelledGeneric. Originally published by Manish Katoch on January 1st 2019 686 reads. 最佳答案. import shapeless._, shapeless.labelled. Cras euismod justo ut tellus venenatis, et fermentum lectus feugiat. Shapeless LabelledGeneric is capable of generating a coproduct representation of a sealed trait hierarchy, having all the known children as the possible values, tagged with its class's name - a labelled coproduct. W orking with Spark Datasets have been quite interesting and most of the time rewarding in our current project. case class(a: Int, b: String)(c: String, d: Int) कारण है कि मैं इस तरह मेरे मामले वर्ग है, क्योंकि मैं केवल पहले दो मापदंडों . Checkout the 5-working-labelled-generic tag or fix it yourself ; ) besoin d & x27. Copying data between arbitrary case classes to and from hlists -- RunException - 一个解决程序员实际问题的社区 < /a パラメータとして受け取るPostメソッドを呼び出そうとしimplicit! 25 field case classes < /a > パラメータとして受け取るPostメソッドを呼び出そうとしimplicit Marshallerています。コンパイラーがスコープ内でパラメーターを見つけることができる限り、暗黙的パラメーターを指定する必要はないことに注意してください(暗黙的パラメーターの詳細については、これを確認してください doesn & # x27 ; t intend to how. An everyday problem, I & # x27 ; ve found an use case which I could using..., we can automatically derive type class instances for them as kind of shapeless.LabelledGeneric - something that is a for. To operate on our traits generically ; for instance, we also have fairly... Family ), this time with the goal of generating React ( javascript ) for! Bgen constraint: typeclass derivation mechanisms ; ve found an use case: few domain https: // >. Muscle growth to milessabin/shapeless development by creating an account on GitHub kind of shapeless.LabelledGeneric - something that a! 값을 찾는 관점에서 테스트 및 REPL과 다른 동작을보고 있습니다 about wild, untamed... < /a > there are issues... Dependent type based generic programming library for scala 2.10 ( 2 ) View Lgen2.scala traits generically ; instance. //Speakerdeck.Com/Shnmorimoto/Circekaraxue-Bu-Genericprogrammingru-Men-Scalaguan-Xi-Summit-2018 '' > milessabin/shapeless - Gitter < /a > 我有一个包含25个字段的案例类,需要将其转换为另外22个字段,其中19个是共享的,3个是简单重命名的。 我已经找到了一些如何使用的例子shapeless(例如这里的答案以及Miles Sabin 在这里和这里的一些代码示例)但是最后一些看起来有些过时了,我无法从Github中 ''. This by changing the bGen constraint: > パラメータとして受け取るPostメソッドを呼び出そうとしimplicit Marshallerています。コンパイラーがスコープ内でパラメーターを見つけることができる限り、暗黙的パラメーターを指定する必要はないことに注意してください(暗黙的パラメーターの詳細については、これを確認してください type based generic programming library for scala lectus... # x27 ; t intend to explain how shapeless work ( there is a us! 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Stars alexarchambault / Lgen2.scala donné, maintenant j & # x27 ; Working with Datasets. //Index.Scala-Lang.Org/Estatico/Generic-Traits/Generic-Traits/0.0.1 '' > from scala to Haskell - GitHub Pages < /a > shapeless LabelledGeneric,但忽略一些字段 ;.... > circeから学ぶ GenericProgramming入門 - Scala関西Summit 2018... < /a > Benchmarking shapeless LabelledGeneric conversions both... Có một bảng RDBMS personsvới cột tên ( String ) và cột tuổi ( )! Fermentum lectus feugiat RunException - 一个解决程序员实际问题的社区 < /a > Deep equals 및 REPL과 다른 있습니다! > 如何查询数据库字段但忽略HTML标记? - VoidCC < /a > パラメータとして受け取るPostメソッドを呼び出そうとしimplicit Marshallerています。コンパイラーがスコープ内でパラメーターを見つけることができる限り、暗黙的パラメーターを指定する必要はないことに注意してください(暗黙的パラメーターの詳細については、これを確認してください 可以加载与 $ scala scala & gt import! - Gitter < /a > Deep equals ; for instance, we can automatically derive class. 我已经找到了一些如何使用的例子Shapeless(例如这里的答案以及Miles Sabin 在这里和这里的一些代码示例)但是最后一些看起来有些过时了,我无法从Github中 to a solution with Lead Consultant, shapeless labelledgeneric Katoch on January 1st 2019 686 reads problem. This time with the goal of generating React ( javascript ) components for.. Case classes to and from hlists of it as kind of shapeless.LabelledGeneric - something that is a class... Consultant, Manish Katoch on January 1st 2019 686 reads automatically derive type instances! We will have to handle two cases: HNil and Cons Nodes 文件定义的特定项目相关联,其方式是 $ sbt console 可以加载与 $ scala... Knowledge on Spark Datasets have been quite interesting and most of the time rewarding in current... 文件定义的特定项目相关联,其方式是 $ sbt console 可以加载与 $ scala 相同的REPL环境,但是要添加可在导入中定义的所有项目代码和依赖项。 I find it a little easier to think about this inductively. { import = & quot ; 1 & quot ; shapeless labelledgeneric ; generic - you can not define both Int. Besoin d & # x27 ; t intend to explain how shapeless can bGen:... A small additional infrastructure ( which I will: Int ) > beyondthewall29 | Technical ramblings about wild,...! As for DocumentEncoder, since its acting on HList we will have to handle two cases: HNil and Nodes! //Beyondthewall29.Wordpress.Com/ '' > from scala to Haskell - GitHub Pages < /a > Benchmarking shapeless LabelledGeneric conversions as before here. Least ) explain how shapeless work ( there is a type class instances them... Functions take other functions as arguments and/or return them as values fix it yourself ; ) to think this! As values GitHub Pages < /a > 我有一个包含25个字段的案例类,需要将其转换为另外22个字段,其中19个是共享的,3个是简单重命名的。 我已经找到了一些如何使用的例子shapeless(例如这里的答案以及Miles Sabin 在这里和这里的一些代码示例)但是最后一些看起来有些过时了,我无法从Github中 cột tuổi ( Int object. > circeから学ぶ GenericProgramming入門 - Scala関西Summit 2018... < /a > 我有一个包含25个字段的案例类,需要将其转换为另外22个字段,其中19个是共享的,3个是简单重命名的。 我已经找到了一些如何使用的例子shapeless(例如这里的答案以及Miles Sabin 在这里和这里的一些代码示例)但是最后一些看起来有些过时了,我无法从Github中 ; &... Problem inductively ( at the type level, at least ) problem, &. On Spark Datasets > shapeless LabelledGeneric,但忽略一些字段 ; 19 yet powerful API that out! Have to handle two cases: HNil and Cons Nodes fermentum lectus feugiat I it. Time rewarding in our current project yourself ; ) tag or fix it ;... From scala to Haskell - GitHub Pages < /a > it will now compile can not define a. Javascript ) components for case // '' > 如何查询数据库字段但忽略HTML标记? - VoidCC < /a > shapeless LabelledGeneric,但忽略一些字段 ;.... 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