Blue Ocean Strategy PowerPoint Template | SketchBubble Last week, we hosted the first installment in Vertical IQ's free fall webinar series—a presentation entitled Red Ocean vs. Blue Ocean Sales Strategies by Ray Adler, banking sales coach, strategist, and change catalyst with BTI Growth Advisors.While Ray's presentation discussed sales from a banking perspective, the lessons are highly relevant to anyone in a professional services sales or . A Red Ocean Strategy is the name of the optimal Strategy to follow in a very Competitive Market.. Blue Ocean Strategy: Pengertian, Contoh Dan Penerapannya The first company to sail into the blue ocean gets the whole market to itself. ∗Achieved via the delivery of features that have a highest marginal benefit to customer needs . The six red ocean traps are the explicit and implicit assumptions managers often act under in setting out to make market-creating strategic moves. This slide provides the comparison between Strategic Factors of Traditional Competitive Strategies (Red Oceans Markets) and the new Innovative and Unexplored Markets (Blue Ocean). Netflix Blue Ocean Market Strategy and Red Ocean Market ... Blue Ocean and Red Ocean Strategy.docx - 1 In your own ... The Red Ocean is a site of full-blooded competition among established rivals. BOS is all about minimizing risks due to competition threat and maximizing opportunities by exploring new boundaries. Imitation Barriers to Blue Ocean Strategy. I. The Red Oceans are the markets where . Here you will find a presentation containing an overview of the main concepts of Blue Ocean Strategy. Blue Ocean Vs Red Ocean Strategy | PDF | Strategic ... Mengetahui Perbedaan Blue Ocean Dan Red Ocean If you have worked out the strategy canvas, it is clear at a . Blue Ocean Strategy "Blue ocean strategy generally refers to the creation by a company of a new, uncontested market space that makes competitors irrelevant and that creates new consumer value often while decreasing cost". Blue Ocean Strategy Chapter 4 - Blue Ocean Strategy Chapter 4 Focus on the Big Picture, Not the Numbers February 10, 2009 Group 1 Anna Sterling Clay Jones Johnnie Davis Kimberly Smith | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view. There is ample opportunity for growth that is both profitable and rapid. Red Ocean Markets are Characterized for:. Dengan arti lain, Blue Ocean Strategy adalah strategi melepaskan Anda dari kondisi Red Ocean. In short, avoid head-to-head competition and focus on innovation. As competition increases, prospects for profit and growth decline. They are uncharted Companies often bring innovations that replace existing products/services. Blue Ocean Create uncontested market space. The Blue Ocean is a metaphor that contrasts with the Red Ocean. ∗Blue Ocean Strategy is a: ∗Value Innovation Strategy - competes in an uncontested market space ∗"Combination Strategy ": pursue differentiation while controlling costs. In the current market scenario as considered in the strategy assignment, competing in the red ocean space is the go-to strategy for most organizations. The first way, as happened in a few cases, is when a company gives rise to an entirely new industry. To beat the competition, companies try to differentiate their product from others. To launch completely new industries, as eBay did with online auctions. Blue Ocean Strategy Vs Red Ocean Strategy How to Champion Success by Creating Uncontested Market Opportunities and Making Competition Irrelevant By Anshumali Saxena March 2013 Marketing Change Agent @ Marketing Messiahs Blue Ocean Strategy Is about winning without fighting To fight & conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's . Either differentiation or low cost. The above essay sample mentions the Netflix blue ocean market strategy and red ocean. What is Blue Ocean Strategy? It could be through a unique product feature, a niche target audience, excellent customer service or competitive pricing. This new market space is created by launching new offerings, with the aim being to make the competition irrelevant so that an organization can grow, uncontested, at least in the beginning. Red Ocean vs. Blue Ocean Strategy What is Red Ocean Strategy? : Align the whole system of a firm's activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost. Click here to download the presentation. อธิบาย Red Ocean, Blue Ocean และ White Ocean พร้อมยกตัวอย่างทั้ง 3 กลยุทธ์. The market competition makes the ocean red. More Blue Ocean Strategy PowerPoint Template is a professional and modern presentation for the description or explanation of the Blue Ocean Strategy Theory.This Templates provides iconography and diagrams to work with the Blue Ocean Strategy Tools. A company will have more success, fewer risks, and increased profits in a blue ocean market. Dalam dunia bisnis strategi blue ocean adalah sebuah strategi yang akan membantu bisnis yang Anda jalankan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baru atau keluar dari samudera merah (blue ocean ) dengan cara membuat sesuatu yang sama sekali baru dan belum ada pesaing nya. The concept was invented by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in 2004. The terms blue and red oceans were introduced by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in their book Blue Ocean Strategy. Some are created within red oceans by expanding existing industry. Red Ocean§ Basis of competition is trying to get a bigger share in the same defined market.§ Boundaries are defined and accepted.§ Competitive rules of the game are well-known and predefined.§ example. Pengertian Blue Ocean dan Red Ocean. They are the authors of the book "Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition . : Create and capture new demand. Blue Ocean And Red Ocean Strategy Companies traditionally work in a red ocean environment, where businesses compete to grab a bigger piece of the pie. : Make the competition irrelevant. 2.-The most appropriate unit of analysis is the strategic move, the set of managerial actions . This book aims to teach how to create blue oceans as easily as competing in red oceans. Free with purchase: animated version A blue ocean strategy is based on creating demand that is not currently in existence, rather than fighting over it with other companies. Each Tool has a Slide for the description and application within the Strategy Analysis. the Blue Ocean Strategy concept presentation is a vector infographic element of marketing. Blue Ocean Strategy. Nike is still #1 in this . Segment the market. The red shark and sea haves bloody mass competition and the blue waterside is a rich and niche market the Blue Ocean Strategy concept presentation is a vector infographic element of marketing. It is one of the most important models from Blue Ocean Strategy, the famous strategy book from 2005. Blue Ocean. If your presentation includes a comparison between the red ocean and blue ocean strategies, then you can check out this free template from Slide Hunter. These two notions represent two types of markets. This presentation covers how Smart Selling used Blue Ocean Strategy so as to create a sustainable business for Smartpen Australia. The goal of a Blue Ocean Strategy is for organizations to find and develop "blue oceans" (uncontested, growing markets) and avoid "red oceans" (overdeveloped, saturated markets). Blue Ocean Strategy PPT by a Div - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. A market-competing strategy divides existing wealth between rival companies. Blue ocean Strategy is all about minimizing risks due to competition threat and maximizing opportunities by exploring new boundaries. : Exploit existing demand. The blue color is calm and relaxing, it also symbolizes depth, stability, and even intelligence. In a red ocean market or a red ocean strategy, there is a concentrated market and will be highly competitive. The Elimination -Reduction Improvement Creation Net 4.4 The Three Characteristics of a Successful Strategy 4.5 Interpretation of the Value Curves 4.6 The Six Blue Ocean Principles 4.7 The Formation and Implementation of the Blue Ocean Strategy 4.7.1 Recreation of the Market Limits 4.7.2 Focus on the General Performance, not That will cover 23 Modules of Business And Digital Marketing li. Blue Ocean Strategy vs. Red Ocean Strategy Ways to Write a Blue Ocean Blog Ideally, we all want to create blue ocean blogs that make the competition irrelevant. What outcomes does blue ocean strategy produce? Defining Red & Blue Ocean Strategy vs. Blue ocean strategy refers to that strategy under which company creates new market or operates in uncontested market, in simple words there is no competition in this type of markets whereas in case of red ocean a firm has to compete in a competitive markets which have many players or in simple words red ocean market is characterized by large . The second more common way is to create a blue ocean within a red one. In the ever-competitive online space, we tend to stumble upon the same articles over and over again. Here you will find a presentation containing an overview of the main concepts of Blue Ocean Strategy. The management is not able to differentiate between red and blue ocean strategy because of the difficulty they face in breaking themselves from the competition. Blue Ocean Strategy is where a company creates a completely new market space (or market category). Competing in red oceans is a zero-sum game. The name Red Ocean is a Metaphor for a sea where fishes eat each other to survive.. Blue Ocean. What Is A Blue Ocean? The Body Shop was in a Blue Ocean for a decade, but didn't reach out for a new innovation. Is defined by untapped market space, demand creation, and the opportunity for highly profitable growth. 8 Not addressing changing issues could turn your blue ocean red. If you are new to blue ocean strategy, watch this brief video introducing you to the basic concepts. : Beat the competition. To understand red ocean strategy let us begin by defining blue ocean strategy. Value innovation, brand image, natural monopoly, patents, high volume, network externalities, etc. Let's Make Your Business Digital With Lapaas.Join Our Most Advanced Digital Marketing Course. The Blue Ocean Strategy Agenda 1. Introduction 2. An excellent example of a blue ocean strategy is eBay, which did it with the online auction industry, or Cirque du Soleil with the circus industry. Red Ocean Blue Ocean • Existing market space • New market space • Industry boundaries are defined and accepted • Companies expand or go across industry boundaries • Cutthroat competition means the water is bloody red • Competition is irrelevant in the blue uncharted water • Growth and profits are restricted • Significant opportunity for profitable growth . Accordingly, it contains different presentations of PES square ("Pioneers-Emigrants-Settlers map") to evaluate your strategy at the first glance. To instantly download this deck, enter your email address below. Exploit existing demand. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne are Professors of Strategy at INSEAD, one of the world's top business schools, and co-directors of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute in Fontainebleau, France. You can learn more about blue and red ocean strategy in Blue . Having Lots of Competitors or a Fierce Competition. They are the authors of the international bestselling book Blue Ocean Strategy which is recognized as one of the most iconic and impactful strategy books ever written, and the recently released New . : Make the value-cost trade-off. What is Blue Ocean Strategy? 1. Red Ocean vs. Blue Ocean Strategy. For instance, automobiles replac. The strategy sounds great, but it isn't so easy to implement. These are normally found by the small but unpopular market. You may be in a red ocean, but have a new idea that is in a blue ocean and you don't have the money or the organization to get to the blue ocean. Each table is created as PowerPoint tables, and are 100% Editable. To understand red ocean strategy let us begin by defining blue ocean strategy. BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Virgin Cola Red Bull Competed vs. Coke and Pepsi with Niche product: carbonated traditional cola offering "energy drink" beverage . [yellow tail] did, and is now in a clear blue ocean. A company will have more success, fewer risks, and increased profits in a blue ocean market. : Create uncontested market space. . Sehingga nantinya Anda diharapkan bisa . The terms blue and red oceans were introduced by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in their book Blue Ocean Strategy. For this purpose, the term "blue ocean strategy" was created, in which, in contrast to existing markets, the "red oceans" can achieve a higher return on sales without established competitors. Blue Ocean Strategy is a concept that has been pioneered by INSEAD Professors, W. Chan Kim, and Renee Mauborgne. Certain images within this presentation are owned by UCSIBOSRC and Blue Ocean Strategy. Like the blue ocean, it is untouched, vast and deep in terms of profitable growth. Blue Ocean is a term used for uncontested market space compared to the red ocean that stands for the market space badly contested by battling competitors according to W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, professors at INSEAD, France. With the Strategy Canvas you can make an analysis, but it is also an action framework. Intention of a framework is to building something • New markets give a company a very high competitive advantage as well as low price/cost pressure. The goal of a Blue Ocean Strategy is for organizations to find and develop "blue oceans" (uncontested, growing markets) and avoid "red oceans" (overdeveloped, saturated markets). Blue oceans are usually massive startups trying to solve a larger problem or create an entirely new type of product, therefore the strategy here should be based on testing viability, acquiring customers and growing at a sustainable rate. Importance of adjusting when needed to maintain your blue ocean creator status or when to create another blue ocean. Red Ocean and Blue Ocean Strategies Comparison Table. The aim of differentiation and low costs is to create new markets and values for customers as well as companies that are without relevant competition. This Blue Ocean Strategy deck is a 16-slide presentation available in Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides. Click here to download the presentation. To beat the competition, companies try to differentiate their product from others. An excellent example of a blue ocean strategy is eBay, which did it with the online auction industry, or Cirque du Soleil with the circus industry. Introduction. This strategy, which is based on extensive research of hundreds of companies spanning across decades and including several industries, proclaims that instead of battling competitors, companies can create new markets for themselves. The color of the Ocean is red, due to fish blood. Some are created within red oceans by expanding existing industry. Owen Exec. W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne together introduced the Blue ocean strategy in 2005. Competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set. A Blue Ocean Market is also similar to a monopoly market but the difference lies in the fact that most of the times a Blue Ocean can fade into a Red Ocean Market as the entrants into the newly contested market fills up. Strategic Canvas 4.3.2. Mendengar transportasi online mungkin Anda langsung terlintas dengan asal mula fenomena Go-Jek pada tahun 2010, yang mana saat ini transportasi online tersebut kian menjamur di negara Indonesia. It was some of these assumptions that . Blue Ocean Strategy is where a company creates a completely new market space (or market category). Blue Ocean Strategy: Pengertian, Contoh dan Penerapannya. I believe that the Blue Ocean strategy is intended more for MNEs because it may require more resources to survive and be successful in those markets. Creating blue oceans is non-zero-sum. Blue Vs. Red Ocean. • BOS is all about minimizing risks due to competition threat and maximizing opportunities by exploring new boundaries. Red Ocean strategy. But, red ocean strategy examples such as Jio are proof that an organization can be successful in a red ocean market with the right strategies and products. You may already be in a blue ocean, but don't know how to grow your business. By clicking on the link below, you can download the file, save it to your computer and use it to introduce Blue Ocean Strategy concepts in your presentations. Pendiri Go-jek Nadiem Makarim mencoba menerapkan blue ocean strategy untuk bisa menciptakan . The Blue Ocean, on the other hand, is a pristine market place, where nobody is yet competing. BLUE OCEANS Blue ocean Undefined market space, demand creation, opportunity for highly profitable growth Most are created from within red oceans by expanding existing industry boundaries Rules of game waiting to be set Blue ocean strategy is a market-creating strategy Red ocean Industry boundaries defined and accepted Companies try to . In a red ocean market, the competition would normally be high and the existing companies compete with each other . The visualization of your ideas is the most important part of the Blue Ocean Method. Authors believe that the red ocean stands for a market that is overwhelmed with competitors, and the blue ocean represents an unknown market without rivals. Based on best selling book, Blue Ocean Strategy, this powerpoint presentation provides a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant.Examining a wide range of strategic moves across a host of industries, these presentation slides highlight the six principles that every company can use to successfully formulate and execute blue ocean strategies. Transcript: 1.-. Both blue and red oceans have always coexisted in the markets (Agnihotri, 2016). Blue Ocean Strategy refers to this sort of behavior as consistent with companies caught in red oceans — where the only way to compete (against vicious competition) is in a race to the . Since the red ocean is an already established market the competitors have clarity of demand in products and services with no requirement of research. The goal of a Blue Ocean Strategy is for organizations to find and develop "blue oceans" (uncontested, growing markets) and avoid "red oceans" (overdeveloped, saturated markets). Traditional Competitive Strategies. A Monopolist is expected to have a larger control over the investments, resources or licenses that the period of duration of a . You must keep in mind that there is a deeper potential of the marketplace that hasn't been explored yet. Red ocean vs blue ocean The main idea behind the names of blue and red ocean strategies is color associations. Answer (1 of 10): In this seminal work Blue Ocean Strategy, the authors define a blue ocean (a completely new market) and contrast that with a red ocean (competition in an existing space). Red Ocean คือ กลยุทธ์น่านน้ำสีแดง ที่เกิดจากสงครามราคา (Price War) หรือการตัดราคาเพื่อแย่งลูกค้าจนทำให้ทุกฝ่ายเสียเลือดตามชื่อ Red Ocean Strategy And if the weather stays bad for too long, the next strategy is to cut costs and consolidate. The Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas is a model with which you can compare products or companies. According to color associations, the bloody red sea stands for the market with fierce competition, while the blue water is a symbol of a market free of competitors and full of . Definition • Blue Ocean Strategy is a marketing theory in which a business enters a market that has little or no competition. Blue ocean strategy refers to the uncontested marketing policy that focuses more on the innovation to reinvent the business than the head-to-head competition. Blue ocean strategy has existed for a long time now, but its use has been mostly unconscious. Companies have got huge capacities to develop new industries and re-design the existing ones, a fact that is exhibited in the deep changes that are necessary in the way industries are . fRed Ocean Compete in existing market. Strategi Blue Ocean pertama kali dikemukan oleh W. Chan Kim dan Renee Mauborgne.Blue Ocean Strategy adalah strategi yang menekankan perusahaan untuk tidak memenangkan persaingan dengan cara melakukan strategi head to head dengan pesaing. This new market space is created by launching new offerings, with the aim being to make the competition irrelevant so that an organization can grow, uncontested, at least in the beginning. The red ocean strategy aims to make your product survive in a market full of competitors. Blue Ocean Strategy vs Red Ocean Strategy The only way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition In this concept, a market space is created which is free from any competition. Competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set. Red Ocean Traps Red ocean theory is effective in fighting market competition, but managers must look for greener pastures (in this case, blue oceans). It is an analogy to describe the wider, deeper potential of market space that is not yet explored. Is defined by untapped market space, demand creation, and the opportunity for highly profitable growth. They are uncharted 3 4.3.1. This version of the presentation includes explanation of the core components of Blue Ocean Strategy. Blue Ocean strategy generally refers to the creation by a company of a new, uncontested market space that makes competitors irrelevant and that creates new consumer value often while decreasing cost. The second more common way is to create a blue ocean within a red one. The chart below summarises the differences. De-stress yourself on getting help from our management expert writers! A company will have more success, fewer risks, and increased profits in a blue ocean market. • The strategy focuses on moving away from an existing market and searching for new markets. Dalam Red Ocean Strategy, para pebisnis memang akan mengerahkan seluruh tenaga untuk dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor dan berebut untuk bisa menjadi market leader. March 31, 2021. Blue Vs. Red Ocean. หรือ กลยุทธ์ Red Ocean นั้นก็คือการทำธุรกิจที่มีคู่แข่งขันสูงแต่หาก . The strategy then is to "buy a hat" and wait out the weather. Mereka juga tidak akan segan melakukan berbagai cara untuk berperang dengan . Mengenal Blue Ocean Strategy. • Blue ocean strategy generally refers to the creation uncontested market space by a new company, that makes competitors irrelevant and that creates new consumer value often while decreasing cost. For SaaS, such an environment is advantageous and promising, with lots of new opportunities. Jadi tidak heran lagi,kalau ada persaingan tidak sehat, saling menjatuhkan atau menghabisi satu sama lain. Below you can read the highlights of this deck. Most blue oceans are created from within red oceans by expanding existing industry boundaries. Are you and your classmates ready to build the future? But it's much more common for a blue ocean to be created from within a red ocean when a company expands the boundaries of an existing industry. By clicking on the link below, you can download the file, save it to your computer and use it to introduce Blue Ocean Strategy concepts in your presentations. History and Background 3. Blue Ocean Strategy Presentation in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. Blue Ocean Strategy Preface Chapter 1: Creating Blue Oceans - As brands become more similar, people generally select . : Break the value-cost trade-off. The Four Forces Frame 4.3.3. The red ocean strategy aims to make your product survive in a market full of competitors. The first way, as happened in a few cases, is when a company gives rise to an entirely new industry. Our templates provide help in depicting your thoughts. View Blue Ocean Strategy.ppt from FINANCE 0723 at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. Red Ocean Blue Ocean"Bloody competition "Why competeto take a larger share when you don'tin the market" have to ?" 10. Companies should not only compete for a share of a blue ocean, but create one of their own. Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy; Compete in existing market space. Exporting Your Blue Ocean Strategy Slides To PDF There may be times when your audience will ask you to email them a copy of your blue ocean strategy presentation. BOS - Blue Ocean Strategy ROS - Red Ocean Strategy PMS - Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map BUM - Buyer Utility Map UA - Unfair Advantage BOII - Blue Ocean Idea Index Terms Framework -A framework is structure that is a real or conceptual, with the purpose to serve as a support or guide. , high volume, network externalities, etc game are waiting to be.. A Metaphor for a sea where fishes eat each other download this deck, enter your email below., but don & # x27 ; t know how to create a blue ocean, on the other,! Build the future Contoh dan Penerapannya costs and consolidate to sail into the blue ocean Strategy there... 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presentation on blue ocean and red ocean strategy