You may uselife and death. Search . Member: Quentillius A. Melentor III, RubinaFUTURE ENTREPRENEURS OF STRIXHAVEN LarkingdaleSkills: Insight, Persuasion These actors work together to create productions ofMember: Grayson Wildemere brilliant stagecraft, often involving new spins on oldThese enterprising students discuss business theo- classics as well as displays of magic and music.ries. It's part setting book, part adventure, and . propriate starting level for the adventure, as shown in the Adventure Levels table. Dean Lissette (neutral good human Witherbloom The philosophy of the root (growth) focuses on professor of growth) is a world-class healer andlife and its irrepressible drive to thrive. from the pests of the bayouGROWTH AND DECAY WITHERBLOOM FACULTYThe two deans of Witherbloom are traditionally This section describes noteworthy members ofcalled the Dean of the Root and the Dean of the the Witherbloom faculty. Using the rules that follow, characters EXTRACURRICULAR BENEFITScan join Extracurriculars to add flavor to the books While a student participates in an Extracurricular,adventures, gain minor rules benefits, and perhaps they gain a Student Die and a Relationship Point, as more easily befriend or irritate their classmates. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSFlight. Mages who embrace thisperspective use their spells to weave illusions and.manipulate the fabric of magic itself CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVEN 19Dean Imbraham (neutral owlin Quandrix profes- tery of both of Quandrixs philosophical perspec-sor of theory) is stern and shrewd, with a mind as tives. Adds new player character options including feats and backgrounds. Before you finish youradvantage on the roll if the toy is on your person. Embed D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos to websites for free. Student Dice. Battle of StrixhavenCh. The player should track the Student whichever is applicable. It keeps 4 A crumpled test on the theory of gravity manipula- me up at night. Thankfully, they are also a giant spread of utility, defense, and offense! Shadow d8 Scholar ShadowSTUDIES AND PHILOSOPHY Shadow 1 Bantermage, using incisive observa- RadianceThe curriculum of Silverquill College revolves tion to pierce rivals confidencearound words, encompassing literature (including Shadowfiction, essays, drama, and poetry), languages, 2 Duskmage, conjuring inky voids of Radiancelinguistics, oratory, rhetoric, and dramatic perfor- shadow magic Radiancemance. The Quick Build section for your characters Speed. Before starting any of this books adventures, con- Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be sult chapter 2 for guidance on making Strixhaven read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their characters and uniting those characters in a group. Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos. Several with monuments depicting historic figures, includ-star arches encircle rocky peaks and outcroppings, ing past professors and prominent mage-students, as well as war heroes and heads of state fromtestifying to the powerful magical energy in the vi- ages past.cinity-energy once harnessed by the ancients who KOLLEMA HALLused to inhabit this area. At the end of a provi- whatever they study. If without a spell slot if you are holding the primer.the save succeeds, you cant use the toy in this way Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choiceagain until you finish a long rest. There are five brand-new magical spells that you can find in the new Strixhaven book. She advocates enthusiastically for Uvilda believes that good art comes from the the importance of both passion and disciplinedhead. WELCOME TO STRIXHAVEN 5STRIXHAVEN S WORLD a place of great magic, such as the site of a greatStrixhaven bills itself as the premier institution of mages birth or the location of a time-lost spell.magical learning in the world, but the question that Other folk believe these arches are connected withraises for your campaign is this which world? (If any characters are studying together, ble results:however, resolve their ability checks at the same Failed. Check out the gallery below for additional images shared during the press briefing . In practical terms, for player characters, you can use the rules found in any D&D book to select aEven as they get caught up in the adventures, thecharacters have to continue going to class, doing characters race, if the DM approves. A student who must attend tutoring cant take part These rules provide characters with benefits or in any Extracurriculars or Jobs until they achieve at drawbacks!based on their social endeavors, infus- least a passed Exam during one of that academic ing their interactions with other students with rules years Exam encounters. Magazine: [Full Book] PDF Download Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos . Rollicking campus adventures for the worlds greatest roleplaying game. Your owlin character might be nocturnal. Golwanda plays her role with relish, doing her best to strike terror into the studentscall of historical stories, as well as his potent scroll with her bloodcurdling screams and howls of rage.magic. Nothing quite captures my attention anymore. Published by That D&D place . Students from ins Hall, a bog mansion that looks like it grew out ofevery college trek through Sedgemoor in droves forhis food. light of inspiring wordsRADIANCE AND SHADOW 7 Vainglory, wielding the power of a per-The two deans of Silverquill are called the Dean fectly crafted compliment to enhanceof Radiance and the Dean of Shadow, highlighting a persons best qualitiesthe colleges use of metaphor in describing its philo- 8 Warsinger, stirring hearts through po-sophical differences. The or individually, as described below. into personal strengthIs it to make people think things or make people feelthings? Eloquence. One side shows the Strixhaven University cam-ture, you should ask each player to choose at least pus, with a focus on the central campus and the fiveone student to be a Friend, a Beloved, or a Rival,as described in the Relationship rules later in this surrounding colleges. Mage-students meet at the Rose Stage to prac-his price. Strixhaven Supplemental Volume IV: The Bulletin Board Each of the universitys five col- CENTRAL CAMPUSleges has its own campus, and the central campus, The central campus shown on map 1.1 is thehome to the Biblioplex and Strixhaven Stadium, heart of Strixhaven. While you wave thecharges, and it regains ld3 expended charges dailyat dawn. He combines localingredients with flavors from his homeland into an The center of the Witherbloom campus is Widdersh-ever-changing menu of delicacies. In addition, if you have the Spellcasting or PactMagic feature, the spells on the Lorehold Spells 4 The spirits of the dead are so much more interest-table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting ing to talk with than living classmates.class. Regular shuttles large carriages where in the book: Aerojaunt Field (see chapter 4)drawn by horselike automata run on an hourly and Captain Dappiewings Manor (see chapter 3).schedule between a station near the Biblioplex and THE BIBLIOPLEXeach of the satellite campuses, making the journey The center of Strixhaven is the Biblioplex, the uni-in about 15 minutes. Once the Studying phase of an Exam is over, have the players record any rerolls their characters re- Each Exam encounter has a Studying phase fol- ceive, then begin the Testing phase.lowed by a Testing phase. Its mages explore the past by poring holds philosophy. Butmany people report seeing an arch appear to themat a critical juncture in their lives, helping them un-derstand a lesson or answer a burning question intheir mind. Backgrounds are an exciting opportunity to add more to the personality and history of your character. You may use the tableinspiration. Quandrix mages who embrace this Kianne believes in using mathematics to betterview use magic to bring numerical concepts to life, understand nature. This tutoring can be to cement friendships, establish rivalries, deepen bonds, and otherwise develop relationships with narrated through roleplaying, or you might simply student NPCs in this books adventures. 222 . They use elemental magic to The perspective of expression instead empha-express who they are and how they see the world, sizes the portrayal of personal emotional truths.often combining different types of energy fire, Its mages value improvisation, innovation, andwater, air, earth, lightning, heat, cold in powerful rule-breaking, and they often favor elemental magicexpressions of conflict and harmony. CHAPTER 1 LIFE AT STRIXHAVEN 9CHOOSING A COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION-Before starting their second year of studies, stu The day-to-day functioning of Strixhaven relies ondents choose one of the five colleges Lorehold, hundreds of laborers, clerks, coaches, administra-Prismari, Quandrix, Silverquill, or Witherbloom to tors, and others. it might briefly surround the targets with shimmer- ing fractal designs or tessellated patterns.PRISMARI TRINKETS BUILDING A QUANDRIX CHARACTER d6 Trinket Any spellcasting class or subclass can work well 1 A pair of rose-tinted glasses with glittery frames for a Quandrix character. 118 Witherbloom Professor of Decay Exam: Augury .119 Witherbloom Professor of Growth .121 Tell Us in Song! When you make your char- amid kaleidoscopic swirls of fractal patterns, ampli- fying the tiniest movements of your somatic compo-acter, you may roll once on the Prismari Trinkets nents. of the characters. The life sciences are swamp beasts through the bayou. get up to. 1 I thrive on esoteric lore. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill. At Strixhaven, historians call sional period, which can last from one to several the spirits of the dead to aid their lessons about the years, an instructor is elevated to the rank of profes- sor or let go. Even a blast of fire in yourLanguages: One of your choice hands is a sculpted work of art; elemental forcesEquipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, a set make grand designs as you hurl spells. View flipping ebook version of Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos published by That D&D place on 2021-12-08. Is mathematics a the Quandrix faculty. WITHERBLOOM PRIMER In addition, if you study the primer at the end ofa long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell from Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunementthe bard or sorcerer spell list. Bards thriveto enter one of Strixhavens colleges. 1 | AT STRIXHAVENFAIN, THE BROKER THE ROSE STAGELost an important textbook? In general, a character ABILITY CHECKScan approach Studying in any way they desire, with Each Exams Testing phase consists of two abilitythat phase then culminating in a single ability check checks, with specifics (including the DC) noted in the encounter. Most notably, mascotsform beyond the confines of an academic program. He offers his students standing bounties on campus.on any of his unsolved equations. Strixhaven. A Curriculum Of Chaos [z0xjzzm5enln] spell. But being accepted to College DescriptionStrixhaven University is a special honor, the dream Lorehold Explores the past and preserves its lessonsof many young students. Valentin is a kind of sangromancer he re-The decay philosophy sees life energy as a resource ceives visions from the blood he consumes, whichto be consumed, rather than a good to be nourished he uses to learn things about a creature or place.for its own sake. Brewing strange concoctions with me- you might adopt for your character.dicinal properties, exploring the anatomies of mon- WITHERBLOOM PERSONALITY TRAITSsters, and cataloging swamp flora are the kinds of d6 Personality Traitstudies you might pursue at Witherbloom College. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos now. The physical book was released by Wizards of the Coast on December 7, 2021. The player should note their characters job, if any. ISBN-13 : 978-0786967445. If you make an Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check while holdingQUANDRIX PRIMER the primer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourselfWondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement a ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after youby a Spellcaster) roll the d20.The Quandrix Primer is a magic textbook created In addition, if you study the primer at the end of a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell fromat Strixhavens Quandrix College. Also called the College ofacademic and magical specialties. 3: School Is in Session .. 40 Advance to 6th Level! Spells and equipment mentioned in these adven- A section near the start of each adventure tells you tures are described in the Players Handbook. Does literature selflessly Dean Shaile Talonrook (lawful good owlin Silver-better society or selfishly advance ones own goals? Most patrons come for the live mu-ARCHWAY COMMONS sic, deliciously greasy food, and various potions andJust south of the Biblioplex, a star arch curves over- beverages. They often create small start-ups to sell wares STRIXHAVEN IRON-LIFTERS SOCIETYand services appealing to students.
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