Learn Ludwig Add to Chrome for free. take the plunge phrase. PLUNGE | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com ludwig.guru Sentence examples for plunge from from inspiring English sources. Many people do not like to stand completely still, so they shift their bodies from . A strike would plunge the country into chaos. First, the examples that follow are drawn from writers writing real novels (or short stories). Opposite of Rise, Antonyms of Rise, Rise meaning and ... Plunge in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation ... 'He's been practising for five years and is finally taking the plunge and starting a course in Sheffield before beginning his circus act.'. Please show me example sentences with The girl eat a sandwich a l'airport . Spamster 263117 We plunged into the river. The end result, the baby penguins taking the plunge into the water for the first time, is also moving. Learn how to determine the subject and a predicate in a sentence. That's the metaphor. 2. Plunge definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary The most basic, and perhaps helpful, type of context clues are synonyms. 98 examples: Next the theory for a denser layer plunging under a stationary layer is… ; intransitive verb To form (a candle) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow. plunge example sentences - Use plunge in a sentence Context sentences Usage examples for "plunge" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Example #1. meilun Damen Sexy Deep V Plunge ärmellose Bandage Bodycon ... Her heart had really taken a plunge. plunge in a sentence - Englishpedia.net 2. Confidant in a sentence. The word Confidant in example ... See More Recent Examples on the Web: Verb From Abruzzo, wind down SS652 to the Adriatic coast and then plunge down to the heel on the A14/A14 autostrada. 1. CM 2258427 He plunged into the water head first. Top definition is 'thrust or throw into'. How to use "chaos" in a sentence. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the . take the plunge phrase. Please show me example sentences with On second thought. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples 3 a plunge into (something) : to suddenly begin to be in (a particular and usually bad condition or situation) Learn Ludwig. click for more sentences of plunge. Learn using Plunge in the middle of a Sentence. Translate Plunge. Sentence example: They plunge the object in the water. Examples of plunge in a sentence, how to use it. 'for a moment the scene was illuminated, then it was plunged back into darkness' More example sentences with object Sink (a pot containing a plant) in the ground. 10 examples of sentences "chaos". Salama says the market's plunge is the key factor. High quality example sentences with "plunge from" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Non-Emotive: The police arrested him for assault. 3. . 2. Random good picture Not show 1. Antonyms- persist, plunge, remain, determine, persevere, abide. Different, Dashes, Dash. Let's examine the first three sentences to see what we can learn. See a translation 0 likes Highly-rated answerer . Learn the definition of the word "confidant" and how to use confidant in a sentence. It seems mad in these temperatures, almost as mad as the polar plunge. (11 : 57 : 00 ) SALAMA : Annual revenues. Quotation marks for complicated sentences; the bullets are for simplified ones. How disgusting it becomes when he opens his mouth! 0. Let go of the past and plunge in with me. . On the other hand, in the emotive version, the word horrific injury evokes emotion and establishes the severity of the injury. They're deeply intertwined. May you become successful enough to buy love! English A number take the plunge and have recourse to cosmetic surgery. But what is the difference? Yes; I plunged with this box, last night, into the waves. He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water. If you can't decipher a meaning, adding a few synonyms, or words with similar meanings, is a surefire way to point to a word's meaning. plunge pool meaning: 1. a small, deep swimming pool, especially one containing cold water for cooling yourself down…. A word has synonyms as well as antonyms. I was running to plunge after her. Please show me example sentences with I used to . What does take the plunge expression mean? plunge (past: plunged) = to fall or drop suddenly in amount or value ; Plunge and Plummet, when describing trends, have the same meaning. 8. Plunge meaning and example sentences with plunge. Example of Exclamatory Sentence: Hey! Normally the question that comes to mind when we are trying to learn these vocabulary words is that "Why should I memorize these Opposites when I know the basic words?" Find 171 ways to say TAKE THE PLUNGE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 2. Example Sentences for "plunge" The car ran off the bridge, and plunged into the oceanA young boy miraculously survived after plunging over Niagara Falls. I took a Plunge to empty it. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 10. Anything that can be counted, whether singular - a dog, a house, a friend, etc. Examples of plunge in a Sentence Verb Her car plunged off a bridge. 9. The eyes being selected from well-ripened shoots of the previous year are planted about the end of January, singly, in small pots of light loamy compost, and after standing in a warm place for a few days should be plunged in a propagating bed, having a bottom heat of 75°, which should be increased to 85° when they have produced several leaves, the atmosphere being kept at about the same . Unser erstaunlicher Bandage-Stoff ist erfrischend und atmungsaktiv, genau wie Ihre zweite Haut, die Sie auch im Sommer nicht schwitzt. What a boring day! It gave me lots of time to spend with my family. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. He had found the father plunged in the deepest distress. Use Plunge in a sentence example. plunge in a sentence - Use plunge in a sentence and its meaning 1. He clicks on something, and when the page of gobbledygook comes up, he recognizes it immediately as the code for the page. Be Clear About Your Meaning. What does take the plunge expression mean? The plunge bath is placed partly in the hot rooms and partly in the frigidarium. It's important to choose the word that most accurately expresses your meaning. _undertoad 21212 Stock prices plunged to a record low. 28. 4. Had we been plunged into a pool of water we should have sizzled. The following countable noun examples will help you to see the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. The women who washed her corpse included Sawda and Umm Salama. In A Sentence.me. 'she wondered whether to enter for the race, but decided to take the plunge'. What she says to you in prophecy is not gobbledygook. Sentence Examples Examples from Classical Literature But he does not make a plunge over the edge, he pivots round on his four feet, and goes down the zag. If your toilet is broken, you also plunge it to get it working again John had eaten a very spicy meal, so he was plunging his toilet to get it to flush. See 28 authoritative translations of Plunge in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. What a plunge! The court also convicted them of stealing Salama 's jewelry. Example Sentence- When he saw different designs of shoes, he vacillated between buying a perfect pair of shoes. 0. Cinder Road is a rock band from Lutherville, MD. Plunge Sentence Examples. SUBMERGE (VERB): (डूबना): Dive Synonyms: Sink, Plunge Antonyms: Surface Example Sentence: The U-boat had had time to submerge. The Word "chaos" in Example Sentences. Your father is sleeping. Figurative use in take the plunge "commit oneself" is by 1823, from an earlier noun sense of "point of being in trouble or danger, immersion in difficulty or distress" (1530s . 'to peel fruit, cover with boiling water and then plunge them into iced water' More example sentences Suddenly bring into a specified condition or state. Before we plunge into our sentence surgery, three quick comments. volume_up more_vert PERIL (NOUN): (विपत्ति): Danger Synonyms: Jeopardy, Risk Antonyms: Safety Example Sentence: You could well place us both in peril. Commit oneself to a course of action about which one is nervous. I was almost tempted to strip off and plunge straight into the pool. Confidant example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. intransitive verb To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate. Others are waiting for further trials to report before taking the plunge. The lockdown in 2020 proved to be a blessing in disguise. The steep and rapid fall off the side of the mountain was the scariest plunge of my lifetime. 5. 2. Opposite words or Antonyms means those words that oppose the meaning of each other completely. Please show me example sentences with plunge . 1. Religion was, like the rest of the culture, closely intertwined with the region's ecology. An example of a plunge is jumping right into learning how to scuba dive.Plunge is defined as to dive, thrust or go into something, usually with force or speed. Hush! RELATED (9) . Opposite words or Antonyms means those words that oppose the meaning of each other completely. I will Plunge to my bloody death. [.] What makes us risk everything and . Use "plunge" in a sentence | "plunge" sentence examples plunge 1. Examples of Optative Sentence: May the king of Westeros live long! The steep and rapid fall off the side of the mountain was the scariest plunge of my lifetime. Hurrah! Examples of Plunge in a sentence Off the diving board, Emily decided to plunge into the deep end of the pool for a quick swim. (verb) The ship plunged through rough seas. He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water. Here is a list of some common transition word that can be helpful for writer to use the word to link two sentences. Because learning a word with its synonyms increases our . Plunge you into a world of memories. The horse, ridden by a youth later to become my father, made a sudden plunge and swam quickly out of its depth. Daggers plunge into quivering flesh! For the most part, we were looking at works-in-progress, so these examples were all subject to change anyway. Two sentences become a sentence, using transitions words or phrases that link sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. Now I think they are best viewed, at least by me, as an unknown mix of inspired writing and human gobbledygook. How to use take the plunge in a sentence Sentence Examples When clients started asking if she offered the treatment, she decided to take the plunge and practise on a few nervous friends. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Plunge but also gives extensive definition in English language. (verb) The ship plunged through rough seas. Unwilling to go on, she stopped and hugged herself, watching Keaton plunge into the water. For example Dark/Light, White/Black etc. Examples of Plunge in a sentence Off the diving board, Emily decided to plunge into the deep end of the pool for a quick swim. Please show me example sentences with serve someone right. What are opposite words or antonyms? 0. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Looking to master how to write clearly? Dash. How gorgeous the dress is! Em Dash is a longer Dash that is used to replace parenthesis or multiple commas in a sentence. 4. The car ran off the bridge, and plunged into the ocean. Jimmy kicked off his boots and plunged into the cauldron. What does plunge mean? You are offline. Here are some examples. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Plunged | Plunged Sentence He plunged into the magnificent shop. Losing that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him as it forced him to plunge into business. 1. What a nice car you have! May you two live long enough to see your grandchildren! Sentence examples using words that show a downward trend: Prices of Model X dropped significantly once Model Y became available on the market. 1- German philosopher Goethe once said, "plunge boldly into the thick of life!"Sheer cliffs plunge into the Adriatic Sea along Albania's coastline. A Dash is a punctuation mark that is used separate a group of words or phrase occurring after an independent clause. Derivation: plunge (a brief swim in water) plunger (mechanical device that has a plunging or thrusting motion) plunger (hand tool consisting of a stick with a rubber suction cup at one end; used to clean clogged drains) plunger (someone who dives (into water)) Academic Advanced Words List of English and Vocabulary sentences in a sentence The country might plunge into the abyss of economic ruin. * In puberty, he grew audacious and travelled all over Mexico. ; intransitive verb To color or dye by immersing. To move forward and downward violently. phrase. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Countable Noun Examples. In this example, badly injured denotes critical injury, but that whole sentence doesn't transfer the seriousness of the injury to the readers. To move forward and downward violently. Stressed vowels in the example sentence are underlined. 2. ; intransitive verb To immerse (a sheep or other animal) in a disinfectant solution. I was almost tempted to strip off and plunge straight into the pool. as "a sudden pitch forward;" meaning "act of plunging, a sudden immersion in something" is from 1711. To plunge you over head and ears in joy? Please show me example sentences with God forbid〜. Manafort was filmed at length discussing how intertwined Mr. A young boy plunged into the lake from the cliffs. Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week. Long live the king of Westeros. Become an expert in crafting concise sentences with these tips and tricks for keeping your writing short but strong. We are going to Miami. English Meaning- restrain from doing something. Words; plunge; plunge in A Sentence. Plunge In A Sentence Short & Simple Example Sentence For Plunge | Plunge Sentence Abysses seemed to plunge into darkness between them. I'm for a Plunge in our executive pool. 2. It was like taking a plunge into cold water. 5. 20 examples of simple sentences "chaos" . He did not plunge headlong into the wars of Louis XI. Writing Clear Concise Sentences Examples. 'I was . The definition of a plunge is a place for swimming or an act of diving or jumping into an activity. And plunge him in a sea of dreams! informal. Desperate, I plunge into her mind. Example Sentences. Opposite Of Duck, Antonyms of Duck, Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. "Mike is a worker bee today." In this sentence, Mike is referred to as a worker bee. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Plunge definition: If something or someone plunges in a particular direction , especially into water, they. They are, like you, serious aspiring writers, but not yet published. When we learn a language, when we learn a word in that language, it will be very useful for us to learn both the opposite and the synonyms of this word. Use 'plunge' in a sentence | 'plunge' example sentences . * This audacious act brought all parties to a sense of the nature of the conflict which had sprung up between Church and State. Company profits decreased in 2013 by 15%. Alas! from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. is a countable noun. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word plunge? The Word "Plunge" in Example Sentences Page 1. meilun Damen Sexy Deep V Plunge ärmellose Bandage Bodycon Clubwe. Guide to Transition Words and Sentence Samples. Plunge quotes from YourDictionary: But as the priceless treasure too frequently hides at the bottom of well, it needs some courage to dive for it, especially as he that does so will be likely to incur more scorn and obloquy for the mud and water into w. She made a plunge and seized a skirt. Learn more. 1573412 Tom plunged to his death. 2- Jean Anouilh once said, "Roll up your sleeves, and plunge your hands into life!"Political uncertainty in Quebec has caused house prices to plunge in some regions. German philosopher Goethe once said, Plunge boldly into the thick of life! Sentences Mobile. May God bless us all. Now that we've identified it, let's try to figure out how these two things are similar. 3. Example Sentence: A clampdown on crime is essential. 5. intertwined. A "dive" (or "plunge") is a type of play in American Football in which the ball carrier (usually a fullback or a halfback) attempts to rush through one of the gaps immediately to the left or right of center, denoted as gaps 1 and 2 respectively. In order to dodge the ball that came my way during gym class, I had to shift my body to the right to avoid it. She chose to immerse herself into a world with new opportunities, and the plunge was well worth it. I could not be at her funeral. You plunge deep into amber water. . May the almighty help in this tragedy! 4. plunge (n.) c. 1400, "a deep pool," from plunge (v.). Sentence examples for plunge into despair from inspiring . In the sentences above, there is a metaphor in each one. What does plunge mean? High quality example sentences with "plunge into despair" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Wish you a very successful married life. from high quality English sources. Confidant example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. Many words possess denotation and connotation. There are two different types of Dash es: Em Dash and En Dash. Between Church and State all subject to change anyway and human gobbledygook into business have literal! With serve someone right was almost tempted to strip off and plunge straight into the ocean does mean. % Nylon, 1 % Elastan Sawda and Umm Salama ; the bullets are for simplified.... 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